Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

SLOVAKIA | MONIKA JURČOVÁ 1155 intermediary to the new level of the provider of the package travel concerning some aspects of non-performance of the package. Considering the short time after implementation of the New Directive we do not have sufficient practical experiences to fully estimate its direct impact on the travel industry and protection of travellers. It will be useful to come back to his topic and review the knowledge on effectivity of the New Directive and the New Package Travel Act in Slovakia again. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dobrovodský, R. “Das neue slowakische Pauschalreiserecht”. In: Tourismusrecht . Wien: Neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2018. S. 101-119. Führich, E. “The Implementation of the New Package Travel Directive in Germany and its critical issues”. In The New Package Travel Directive , Estoril: ESHTE, 2017. Jurčová, M et al.: Právo cestovného ruchu . Bratislava: C. H. Beck, 2014. Jurčová, M. “Fakultatívne výlety – otázky nad zodpovednosťou cestovnej kancelárie”. In: Súkromné právo . Vol. 1, No. 5 (2015), p. 2-10. McDonald, M: “Linked travel arrangements and their protection under the New Travel Package Directive”. In The New Package Travel Directive , Estoril: ESHTE, 2017, p. 89-90. Tonner,K.,Bergmann,S.,Blankenburg,D.(Hrsg.) Reiserecht .Baden-Baden:NomosVerlagsgeselschaft, 2018, 375.