Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

210 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE 5. Others . Chapters VII and VIII include general provisions and final provisions , respectively, and harmonise the obligations of the retailer when the organiser is established outside the European Economic Area, the liability of the trader for booking errors, the right of redress of the organiser or retailer, the imperative nature of the directive and other aspects related to the compliance with it. The final provisions lay down the timetable for transposing the directive (no later than 1 January 2018), the repeal of Directive 90/314/EEC, the entry into force of the directive and address it to the Member States. In conclusion , Directive 2015/2302 is a stringent maximum harmonisation directive that , as argued by different authors, can raise difficulties when being transposed to the internal legal systems 11 . This nature of maximum regulation leaves little flexibility to the States for the transposition. In the case of Spain, there were doubts about whether to include this regulation in the existing law on consumers or to issue a specific law, or even to include an amendment in the civil code. The first option was chosen: Draft bill amending the consolidated text of the General Law for the protection of consumers and users and other supplementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree of 16 November, in order to transpose the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on package travel and linked travel arrangements 12 . BIBLIOGRAPHY DE MIGUEL ASENSIO, P.A., “El futuro del Derecho privado uniforme en la Unión Europea: nuevas tendencias y retos” , in Spanish Yearbook of International Law , vol. XI, 2005. DÍAZ- AMBRONA BARDAJÍ, M.D., POUS DE LA FLOR, M.P., HERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ- AMBRONA, M.D, TEJEDOR MUÑOZ, L., “Capítulo XIII. Viajes combinados” in Derecho civil de la Unión Europea , Tirant Lo Blanch, 2018. 11 FELIÚ ÁLVAREZ DE SOTOMAYOR, S., Viajes combinados y servicios de viajes vinculados (Directiva (UE) 2015/2302). Cuestiones de ley aplicable , Reus Editorial, 2018, pp. 28 and 29. 12 Presented by the Spanish Government on 23 March 2018, qualified on 2 April 2018. Accesible document TXDTS.fmt&DOCS=1-1&DOCORDER=LIFO&QUERY=%28BOCG-12-A-19-2.CODI.%29# (P%C3%A1gina1) Last accessed on 10 January 2019.