Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

48 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE I thank the members of the Tourism Law Research Group for their scientific contribution over the last thirty years, and Professor Francesco Morandi in particular, who also directly supported the implementation of Legislative Decree No. 62 of 21 May 2018, in line with the European Directive. While the word ‘tourism’ is acquiring new meanings, the volume is entirely consistent with the strategy and priorities identified as political guidelines for the next European Commission 2019-2024, which include, among others, a European Green Deal, an Economy that works for people and a Europe fit for the digital age. As a matter of fact, the Commentary offers an original and complete reinterpretation of the legal landscape relating to the tourism sector, with specific reference to package travel and linked travel arrangements, drawing a tangible perspective based on change and encouraging sustainable environmental, economic and social development. Massimo Carpinelli Rector of the University of Sassari