Sustainable Tourism Law

THE GLOBAL CODE OF ETHICS FOR TOURISM 407 Whether your travels take you to a tropical beach, a bustling city or a peaceful village, you will gain more from your travel experience and earn the respect of the host communities. Although not legally binding, the Code features a voluntary implementation mechanism through its recognition of the role of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, the impartial body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating the provisions of the Code. Taking into account the swift and continued growth, both past and foreseeable, of the tourism activity, whether for leisure, business, culture, religious or health purposes and other special interest tourismproducts and segments, and its powerful effects, both positive and negative, on the environment, the economy and the society of both generating and receiving countries, on local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as on international relations and exchanges. It is important to acknowledge with satisfaction the wide range of activities and promotional events contributed by the Committee, inter alia, the launch of the UNWTO Ethics Award category, the re-edition of the Tips for the Responsible Traveller and the development of the Recommendations on the topic of Accessible Tourism for All. We can conclude that it is relevant that, also in the field of tourism, both the State and the enterprises share the responsibility of advancing the protection and respect of human rights in a business context, as laid down by the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights unanimously adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in its resolution 17/4 of 16 June 2011. It is also important to think about howTourismcan contribute to the 2030Agenda. As a conclusion, there are three main reasons: Build knowledge, Empower stakeholders and Inspire to act. BIBLIOGRAPHY International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics. United Nations, 2008. Melgosa Arcos, J.F., The New Package Travel Directive (1st Edition), ESHTE, Lisboa, 2017, pág 39 Müller, Lilian (2012), The Underestimated Market Potential of Barrier-free Tourism, ENAT, Pisa. Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1999, Supplement No. 9 (E/1999/29), decision 7/3 World Tourism Organization, 1999 Taleb Rifai Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) A/21/10 Add.1 – Implementation of the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, presented to the General Assembly of UNWTO (Twenty-first session, September 2015) Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/406(XIII) (Thirteenth session, Santiago, Chile, September – October 1999) Approval of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism