Sustainable Tourism Law

660 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW I.2.14 The Commission’s Communication: Europe, the world’s Nr. 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe In the introductory part of the document 92 we have the affirmation of how tourism illustrates, in an exemplary manner, the need to conciliate economic growth and sustainable development, taking into consideration its ethical dimension 93 . The repercussions on tourism of the economic and financial crisis that affects economies since 2008 and the interruption of air traffic due to the presence of volcanic ash clouds during April and May of 2010 94 reinforce the need for the Member States to work in a consolidated political framework that takes into consideration the new priorities of the European Union, as expressed in the «Europe 2020» strategy. It is necessary that, in order to continue being the world’s first tourist destination, Europe values the richness and diversity of its territories. The European Union established, throughout the years, the foundation of a tourism policy that has always been guided by the requirements of sustainable development, whereby with the entry into force of the Lisbon treaty, this important economic activity for the employment and affirmation of European culture and values sees, consequently, its importance being recognized. In the face of growing competition by the world, Europe must propose a sustainable tourism offer of good quality, making the most of some of its comparative advantages, namely the diversity of landscapes and the extraordinary cultural richness. Other important challenges must be faced: the scarcity of water and energy, as well as the dangers associated to mass tourism in cultural patrimony. The duty weighing down on tourism companies is expressly highlighted, regarding situations of potential drought, to reduce the use of drinkable water, its greenhouse effect gases’ emissions and the environmental footprint. 92 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions titled Europe, the world’s no.1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe, Brussels, 30.6.2010 COM (2010) 352 final. 93 Tourism “is a major economic activity with a broadly positive impact on economic growth and employment in Europe. It is also an increasingly important aspect in the life of European citizens, more and more of whom are travelling, either for leisure or business. As an activity which impinges on cultural and natural heritage and on traditions and contemporary cultures in the European Union”. 94 Despite continuing to travel, Europeans have readjusted their behaviours, preferring closer destinations, reducing the period of the stays and the costs. In harmony with the UNWTO’s world tourism barometer (volume 8, January 2012) the arrivals of international tourists were reduced by around 5,6% in 2009. However, in certain regions, mainly Oriental and Northern Europe, the reductions hit 8%.