Sustainable Tourism Law

AIRPORT, CIVIL AVIATION AND TECHNOLOGY LEGAL RELATIONSHIP 797 identification of users, automation of processes and inclusion of robots to improve the user experience, as well as the efficiency of operations; Interactive decision making (Interactive decision-making). Promote the use of predictive models and artificial intelligence for decision making in real time. According to its promoters, airports such as Amsterdam-Schiphol (AMS), Kempegowda of Bangalore (BLR), Dubai International (DXB) and London- Heathrow (LHR), as well as the Chinese airport consortium Shenzhen Airport Group already work with NEXTT 49 . VIII. THE CHALLENGES OF AIRPORT LAW The airports of the present have great challenges. The passenger experience, the increase of capacity and improvement of congestion (slots), the development of routes, the improvement of airport networks or systems 50 , the financing of secondary or less traffic airports, the environmentally sustainable operation 51 , safe passage through the facilities, economic regulation, modernization of air navigation services, telecommunications, the impact of the transnationalization of the airport company, the coordination of state jurisdictions with interest in police power in the airport, plans regulators of the airport environment (urban planning), intermodality 52 , etc. They make up the list of the main challenges. The increase numbers of aircraft and passengers are a red alarm in that sense. The technology that takes us to the Smart Airport or Smart Aerotropolis raises the bar for the challenges that must be added in the future. In this scenario, the rhythm and speed with which technology is introduced at the airport, and across civil aviation, places the greatest question in our opinion: What will be the role of airport law in this scenario? 49 IATA and ACI Launch New Experience in Travel and Technologies (NEXTT). See pressroom/pr/Pages/2017-10-24-03.aspx. 50 much more developed the airport networks (network of airports) operated as hubs, rather than local airports or individually considered, including airports in addition to their natural linkage with air transport, will be inte- grated into land transport networks and maritime, (intermodality) as a way to improve the overall efficiency of transport. 51 Not only for the aspects related to noise and the reduction of carbon emissions, but also in the location, design and equipment that should be friendly and in line with the ecological challenge, including alternative ener- gies as a means of supply. 52 From Air Transport System 2050 Vision to planning for Research and Innovation”. EREA.