Sustainable Tourism Law

96 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW I am referring to the Lombardy Regional Law dated of 1 October 2015, Regional Policies in Tourism and the attractiveness of the Lombard territory (Politiche regionali in materia di turismo e attrattività del territorio lombardo). Title I states that the new law “ (o) Orients the infrastructure and services policies necessary to accomplish a sustainable tourism in relation to environmental, economic and social tourism, and promotes its realization. (r) promote eco-sustainable tourism in order to give value and improve the quality of the Environment ”. Article 75 is expressly dedicated to Sustainable tourism. Art. 75 (Interventi per il turismo sostenibile – Intervention in favour of sustainable tourism) states: “ 1. In order to develop the offer and demand for tourism, in order to increase the competitiveness of businesses, to improve the quality of structures and infrastructures related to tourism, to encourage the adoption of appropriate measures for the development of sustainable tourism, the Region promotes initiatives to develop and disciplines form a contribution and facilitation referred to in Article 71, paragraph 3. “2. The Regional Council shall regulate the forms of contribution and facilitation referred to in Article 71, paragraph 3, in favor of tourism enterprises and territorial attractiveness, for the interventions directed to implement: a) actions enabling undertakings to reduce water and energy consumption and to reduce or eliminate waste, atmospheric emissions and noise pollution; b) interventions to achieve a level of environmental protection higher than that established by national and Community standards; c) measures enabling the generation of energy through processes that rely mainly on renewable energy sources; d) actions to achieve environmental certification under Community and national rules; e) actions envisaged by European legislation for sustainable and competitive tourism; f ) actions that involve local communities economically, socially and culturally; g) actions and measures to encourage the supply of tourism products and services suitable for the reception of pet animals ”. Italian Regional Statutes: Veneto A second example is Veneto. The Venetian Regional Law dated of 14 June 14 2013 no. 11 (Legge regionale no. 11 del 14 giugno 2013 “Sviluppo e sostenibilità del turismo veneto – Development and sustainability of Veneto tourism”). Article 1 states: “ 1. The Veneto Region governs, directs and organizes the economic activities of tourism, with the following aims: (a) promoting sustainable economic