Tourism Law in Europe

24 Commission launched the infringement procedure against Lithuania. After receiving letter of formal notice from the European Commission, in order to terminate the procedure for violation of EU law initiated against Lithuania, an amendment to Article 6.751 of the Civil Code was initiated. Finally, on 14 January 2021, part (5) to Article 6.751 was repealed, again applying14 day deadline for the return of money both in cases of travel package contract cancellation and in cases of no agreement on voucher is reached, provided in Article 6.751(4) 47 . Together it is stated that in cases when the package travel contract is terminated before the date of entry into force of the above-mentioned amendment (i.e. 23 January 2021), and tour organiser has not refunded all the money paid by the tourist yet, a 14-day deadline provided by the Article 6.751(4) of the Civil Code starts to count from 15 February 2021 48 . This national rule, again, raises the question, whether such requirement is in line with the rules provided in EU legislation. 6. Conclusions The main feature of tourism law is its diversity character and multi-disciplinarity. Taking into account that peculiarity, the tourism law may be defined as a set of legal norms regulating conditions for the provision and promotion of tourism activity (tourism services) which aim is to safeguard the rights of tourists’ and other public interests related to social, cultural and environmental aspects of society. Tourism area in Lithuania is one of the public policies for which separate law is devoted. This law reflects the regulation of the tourism as an economic activity (an economic approach). The responsibility for this public policy belongs to the Minister of economy and innovation. The formation specific forum for discussion in the form of Tourism Council organised at the ministry level is the instrument assisting in tourism policy formation and implementation. After the reformation of institutional framework in tourism area, the market surveillance and protection of tourists’ rights functions were concentrated in hands of one institution – the State of Consumer Rights Protection Authority, mainly 47 Law Amending Article 6.751 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, 14 January 2021, No. XIV-168. 48 Article 2 of Law Amending Article 6.751 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, 14 January 2021, No. XIV-168.