Wine Law

COVIAR and Bodegas de Argentina , within the framework of the 2020 Strategic Plan with IDB/MIF 12 funds, both from the Internal Promotion Directorate and the National Institute for Tourism Promotion (in Spanish, INPROTUR) 13 . It can be said that wine is linked to pleasure – to meetings, dialogue, the awakening the senses –, and its production goes hand in hand with remarkable natural landscapes, which makes it ideal for the experiential consideration that tourism marketing requires. However, this pairing was not exhausted in the promotional area but extended to the design of the activity itself, and, for this reason, specific quality standards were developed, the “Tourism Management Guidelines for Wineries”, with some establishments being, in fact, encouraged to broaden their horizons with this guide. There was logically a segmentation of supply and demand. On the one hand, the supply was represented in concentric circles: a first circle with tastings, visits, harvests, talks and purchases proposed around wine tourism; a second one with accommodation, gastronomy, spa and different types of events; and the third circle with artistic activities such as concerts or sports, such as polo or balloon rides, horseback riding, trekking and others. On the other hand, the demand was represented in a pyramid chart: the base being “initiates”, motivated by curiosity or pleasure; the second level representing the “stakeholders” who already have some knowledge, but want to reinforce it technically; a third party, the “connoisseurs”, who know the product and what to look for; and, located at the top, are the expert “lovers”, guided by the subtlety of a new flavour or a different experience. In the logic above, the program "Wine Roads" was promoted with the legitimate claim of establishing an itinerary – a thematic route that would motivate the trip and displacement throughout the different geographies. However, it was difficult to reach an agreement regarding the design of the umbrella brand: the wine sector and the tourism industry each promoted their own brands and the country brand was also claiming its space. It was Resolution INV 49/2013 that ended up imposing the National Drink isology. So far, our quick 12 Inter-American Development Bank and Multilateral Investment Fund. 13 Source :!/global/home.