Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

Implementation of the New Package Travel Directive in Slovenia Matija Damjan 1 Karmen Lutman 2 1. Introduction; 2. The course of the legislative process related to the implementation of the Directive 2015/2302 in Slovenia; 3. Distinctive features of the implementation of the Directive 2015/2302 in Slovenia; 3.1. Scope of application and definitions; 3.2. Information obligations and content of the package travel contract; 3.3. Changes to the Package Travel Contract before the start of the package; 3.4. Performance of the package; 3.5. Insolvency protection; 3.6. Linked travel arrangements; 3.7. General Provisions; 4. Assessment of the correctness of implementation; 5. Conclusion. 1. INTRODUCTION Consumer protection in the field of package travel has gained more attention in Slovenian jurisprudence in the last decade, especially after the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case Leitner v TUI 3 , which broadened the concept of non-material damage by recognising compensation for the loss of holiday enjoyment 4 . While package travel had been traditionally regulated within the Obligation Code 5 , its provisions are nowadays applicable only to 1 PhD, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Department of Civil law, and Secretary General at the Institute for Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana ( . 2 PhD, Teaching and Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Department of Civil law ( ). 3 Judgement of the CJEU in case C-168/00 of 12 March 2002. 4 See: D. Možina, Nepremoženjska škoda zaradi izgube počitnic: Leitner pri nas doma, Podjetje in delo, Nr. 1, 2014, pp. 41-56; N. Zupan, Odškodnina za izgubljeni dopust v domači sodni praksi: kaj se lahko naučimo?, Pravni letopis 2016, pp. 83-103. 5 Articles 883 – 908 (package travel contract), art. 904 – 908 (travel agency contract), art. 909 – 920 (contract on lease of hotel capacity) of the Obligations Code (“Obligacijski zakonik (OZ)”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nr. 97/07, 64/16, 20/18).