Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
ARTICLE 18 | PATRICIA BENAVIDES VELASCO 427 than one Autonomous Community. These authorities must share this information by means of the central contact point to the other Member States and to the European Commission. The Ministry for Industry, Commerce and Tourism is entrusted to provide the Member States with all the relevant information on the requirements of protection against insolvency set by the Spanish regulation, as well as the identity of the guarantors that offer such security to the organisers or retailers established in the Spanish territory. The Autonomous Communities will have to facilitate all this information to the Ministry beforehand. Despite the fact that the Spanish legislator complying with the provisions of the Directive has ordered the creation of a listing of public and online access whereby to contain all the information on the organisers and retailers established in the Spanish territory, which comply with the obligations of protection in case of insolvency, this system is not available yet. IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY 20 ARCARÓNS I SIMÓN, R., (2012), “El impacto de la Directiva de servicios en el turismo” in El impacto de la Directiva servicios en las administraciones públicas: aspectos generales y sectoriales , (Coord. V. Aguado i Cudolà and B. Noguera de la Muela), Barcelona, Atelier, pp. 373-393. BAUZA MARTORELL, F. (2011), “Incidencia de la Directiva de Servicios en la legislación turística: estudio autonómico comparado”, in Turismo y desarrollo económico. IV Jornadas de Investigación en Turismo , (Coord. J.L. Jiménez-Caballero and P. de Fuentes Ruiz), Sevilla, edición Digital@ tres, pp. 339-355. BENAVIDES VELASCO, P., (2018), “A new draft regulation of package travels in Spain”, in Sustainable Tourism Law, (Ed. V. Franceschelli, F. Morandi y C. Torres), ESHTE/Inatel/Alentejo, Estoril, Portugal, pp. 541-564. BENAVIDES VELASCO, P., (2018), “La obligación de las agencias de viaje de prestar las garantías contempladas en la Directiva de viajes combinados”, International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism , Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 92-114. GALERA RODRIGO, S. y HERNÁNDEZ BATALLER, B., (2012), “Cooperación administrativa en el Mercado único: el sistema IMI”, Noticias de la Unión Europea , no. 325, pp. 37-47. GONZÁLEZ BUSTOS, M.ª. Á., (2011), “La efectividad del sistema de información del mercado interior en la cooperación entre los Estados Miembros”, Revista General de Derecho Europeo , no. 24. GONZÁLEZ BUSTOS, M.ª Á., (2009), “La cooperación administrativa como mecanismo de funcionamiento del mercado interior de servicios a la luz de la Directiva Bolkestein”, in Mercado Europeo y reformas administrativas: la transposición de la Directiva de servicios en España, (Coord. R. Rivero Ortega), Madrid, Thomson Reuters, pp. 219-244. 20 Along with the specific bibliography mentioned in this chapter it is very useful to consult the indications included in the comments to articles 17 and 19, drafted by the same author in this book.
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