Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

ARTICLE 19 | PATRICIA BENAVIDES VELASCO 443 any payment he had made. In these cases, however, he will have no right to compensation (art. 12 of the Directive) 13 . Perhaps the most relevant consequence for businessmen who have failed to comply with the information duties or to provide insolvency security is the complete enforcement of the content of Chapter IV regarding the commercialization of the services. As we have already considered, the company facilitating these services is not bound by the same rules as the one commercializing travel packages. Nevertheless, what the lack of compliance with these duties produces is to make him properly responsible for the execution of the service. That is why he will be considered as a travel organiser and will be deemed responsible for the execution of all the services, independently of how these are to be executed by other providers of services (art. 13 of the Directive) 14 . For the same reasons, he will be bound by article 14 15 of the European Directive that considers the right of the traveller to get a reduction of the price that is adequate to the lack of conformity, so as to compensate for the damages he has possibly suffered. The company facilitating the linked travel arrangements will also have the obligation to provide assistance to the traveller (art. 16 Directive) 16 . V. BIBLIOGRAPHY 17 AA.V.V., (2013), Nuevas fórmulas de comercialización “on line” de servicios turísticos: subsunción en los tipos legales y distribución de responsabilidad, (Coords. A. Paniza Fullana and J.P. Aparicio Vaquero), Granada, Comares. AA.VV. , (2014), Paquetes dinámicos: problemas y soluciones desde una perspectiva internacional, (Dir. A. Paniza Fullana), Madrid, Dykinson. ASENSI MERÁS, A., (2016), “Nuevas perspectivas de la contratación on line de servicios turísticos y paquetes dinámicos de turismo”, International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism , vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 287-302. ASENSI MERÁS, A., (2016), “Contratación on line de servicios turísticos y paquetes dinámicos de turismo”, Investigaciones Turísticas , no. 12, pp. 163-182. 13 See comments to article 12 on this book. 14 See comments to article 13 on this book. 15 See comments to article 14 on this book. 16 See comments to article 16 on this book. 17 Along to this specific bibliography, it would be of interest consulting the bibliography considered in the comments to articles 17 and 18 on this book.