Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
ARTICLE 26 | MONIKA JURČOVÁ 543 IV. CONCLUSION In its third part of the report, the Commission declares that as follow-up to this report and in preparation of the general report on the application of the Package Travel Directive scheduled for 2021, the Commission will: • further assess linked online booking processes that lead to a combination of travel services in order to obtain a clearer picture of the offer of “click- -through” packages and linked travel arrangements on the market; • complete its assessment of national measures transposing the Directive; • raise awareness of travellers about their rights under the Directive in the framework of a broad communication campaign targeted at consumers to start before the end of 2019; • continue to interact with relevant stakeholders through the Expert Group in order to collect information about problems with the application of the Directive’s provisions and, to the extent possible, find appropriate solutions; • facilitate coordination and cooperation between the authorities in charge of enforcement of the Directive through the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) network and between the central contact points of Member States to facilitate the administrative cooperation and supervision of organisers operating in different Member States. Targeted coordinated compliance assessments could be launched in the forthcoming months as part of the activities of the CPC network 13 . Most of the consulted stakeholders either had no opinion yet regarding a possible modification of the definition in Article 3(2)(b)(v) or were against it, as it would be too early to take a well-informed decision in light of the limited practical experience with the application of the new rules. In addition, the Expert Group concluded that it was too early to draw conclusions regarding a possible adjustment or broadening of the definition. Among authorities, views were diverse. Some authorities and alternative dispute resolution bodies would support broadening the definition in order to prevent the possibility to circumvent the current definition andmake enforcement easier, especially with regard to the 24 hours rule. Other authorities would rather favour a more narrow definition (with additional requirements) or even a 13 Part III of the Report.
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