Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
CZECH REPUBLIC | KLÁRA DVOŘÁKOVÁ 745 Decree No. 122/2018 Coll. entered into force on June 21, 2018, was notified to the European Commission in June 2018 and entered into effect on July 1, 2018. Decree No. 188/2018 Coll. entered into force on August 29, 2018, was notified to the European Commission in June 2018 and entered into effect on September 30, 2018. IV. SUPPORT FOR INTRODUCTION INTO PRACTICE In the spring of 2018, the Tourism Department of the Ministry for Regional Development organised three workshops for entrepreneurs in tourism, where it used practical examples to illustrate the changes brought about by the transposition of PTD2. Many questions were subsequently also received by telephone, mail and electronic means. Both individual questions and joint questions sent by professional associations were answered. A similar practical workshop was organised by the Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies of the Czech Republic for its members ( ). Separate lectures were prepared for public administration workers, especially for employees of trade authorities who accept applications to establish a tour operator or a travel agency, and perform supervision over certain conditions of operating a business in the field of tourism. Three lectures took place in 2018 and three in 2019. For consumers, the Ministry launched an information campaign concerning new rights of travellers – this took place before 1 July 2018. In a simple form, using various drawings, the consumers were familiarised with the new regulation protecting them in the purchase of packages and LTA 3 . V. PUBLIC-LAW CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE OF PACKAGES AND FACILITATING OF LTA IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Only tour operators could sell packages in the Czech Republic before the transposition of PTD2. The business of a tour operator is a regulated trade in the Czech Republic, which requires a proof of professional qualifications, a 3 See zajezd_letak.pdf.aspx?lang=cs-CZ&ext=.pdf and 9493-b6f66d001b74/Prava-zakaznika_SCS_letak.pdf.aspx?lang=cs-CZ&ext=.pdf.
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