Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
86 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE Should individual or collective security be implemented, the agent is obliged to replace it within 15 days to cover up again its initial capital. Individual and collective guarantee cannot be cancelled during the performance of a disenrollment case file of registration, in the Register of Tourism of Catalonia, or until it has been one year since the disenrollment or since disenrollment resolution of the registration becomes final. The guarantee for each package cannot be cancelled for the period from the first payment of the user to the end of the package. The ECJ judgment May 14, 1998 “Varein für Konsumenteninformation” resolves the question referred by the Srs. Hofbauer Vienna who hired a holiday in Crete from 9 to 16 September 1995 through a package that included aircraft, hotel and half board, whose overall price was paid before the departure, and the bankruptcy of the organizer occurred after this payment. The High Court interprets art. 7 of Directive 90/314 concerning the insolvency of the tour organizer and declares that this provision must be interpreted as meaning that within its scope of application as a reimbursement of the amounts, it is covering a situation in which the “purchaser of a package holiday who has paid the travel organiser for the costs [...] of his accommodation before travelling on his holiday is compelled, following the travel organiser’s insolvency, to pay the hotelier for his accommodation again in order to be able to leave the hotel and return home”. Equally strong arguments are those of CJEU 16 February 2012 (Case Jürgen Blödel-Pawlik against HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung) in Case C-134/11 concerning the reference for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU, from the Landgericht Hamburg (Germany), by order of 2 March 2011. The petition concerns the interpretation of Article 7 of Directive 90/314 / EEC, concerning the refusal to reimburse the price of a package holiday paid by the consumer which was not executed by the tour organizer. BIBLIOGRAPHY AGUADO I CUDOLÁ, V. y CASANOVAS I IBÁÑEZ, O. (Coords.), Impacto del Derecho de la Unión Europea en el Turismo , Atelier, 2012. ALGABA ROS, S. La responsabilidad civil de organizadores y detallistas en el contrato de viaje combinado: Una materia en evolución, en “Estudios jurídicos en homenaje a Vicente L. Montés Penadés” , Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, 2011. ARCARONS I SIMÓN, R., El proceso de convergencia de las políticas turísticas de la Unión Europea , en “ Derecho y turismo” , Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Colección Aquilafuente, núm. 79), 2004. AURIOLES MARTÍN, A., Introducción al Derecho Turístico , Tecnos, 2002.
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