Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
LITHUANIA | JOLANTA VILKEVIČIŪTĖ 971 5) Law on Consumer Protection of the Republic of Lithuania (2007); 6) 07.08.2018 Order of the Director of the State Department of Tourism No V-132 “Order approving the standard terms and conditions for package travel contracts”; 7) 07.08.2018 Order of the Director of the State Department of Tourism No V-133 “Order approving standard information forms”. The Lithuanian Tourism Development Programme 2014-2020 is closely related to other state programs and strategies (National Progress Strategy “Lithuania 2030” (2012); National Progress Program 2014-2020 (2012) as well as EU legal acts (directives and communications). Strategic aim of the Lithuanian Tourism Development Programme – to increase the competitiveness of Lithuanian tourism sector and one of the main goals is to develop tourism infrastructure and improve the quality of services. In the Strategy of Lithuanian TourismMarketing for 2016-2020 “suggestions related to Lithuania as tourist destination, increasing awareness, development of competitive tourism products, implementation of effective marketing and installation of effective communication channels are provided”. According to Article 6.716 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (2000), tourism services are defined as remunerative services, i.e. one party to the contract (the provider of services) undertakes to provide to the other party to the contract (the client) by commission of the latter certain services of a non- -material nature (intellectual) or other types which are not related to the creation of a material object (to perform certain actions or pursue certain activities), and the client undertakes to pay for the services provided. Speaking of the provision of services, other regulations ensuring rights of costumer, for example, priority of the interests of the client (6.718 Article); the obligation of the provider of services to furnish information (6.719 Article); the provider of services may unilaterally terminate the contract for important reasons only (6.721 Article) of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania have to be considered. 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE DIRECTIVE 2015/2302 In Section 3, Chapter XXXV, Part IV of Book Six (Law on Obligations) of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, provision of tourism services is
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