The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

27 A firm commitment to a collaborative economy would help to consolidate these other sectors, usually explored by SMEs, which are not finding adequate support in the large measures that the State is adopting to safeguard the tourism sector. These measures are focused, above all, on protecting the large operators from possible insolvency, as well as trying to safeguard jobs in sectors such as transport and accommodation 58 . It is precisely along these lines that the legal nature of these platforms is of vital importance and, above all, in close correspondence with them, the relationship that arises between suppliers and applicants, since the security of transactions, now more than ever, must be an essential premise that contributes to relaunching and strengthening a sector that has been severely affected by this crisis. VII. Bibliography ALFONSO SÁNCHEZ, R., “Aproximación jurídica a la economía colaborativa: diferentes realidades”, Cuadernos de Derecho y Comercio , no. 66, 2016. ARMENGOL i GASULL, O. & OLMOS CASTRO, N., “El impacto de la economía colaborativa en el transporte interurbano: un análisis jurídico del Ride Sharing ”, en La regulación de la economía colaborativa, Juan José Montero Pascual (Dir.), Tirant lo blanch, Valencia, 2017, pp. 327-349. AURIOLES MARTÍN, A., Introducción al Derecho Turístico, Tecnos, 2 th ed., 2005. AAVV.: El régimen jurídico del turismo colaborativo , Humberto Gosálbez Pequeño (Dir.), Madrid, Wolters Kluwer, 2019. BARNES, J., “Un falso dilema: Taxis vs. Uber”, Diario La Ley , no. 8942, 16 March 2017, electronic ed. BULCHAND GIDUMAL, J. & MELIÁN GONZÁLEZ, S., Una guía para entender la economía colaborativa: de clientes-consumidores a individuos-proveedores , 2016. 58 See, among them, that referring to organisers and retailers of package tours (Art. 36.4 of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of 31 March, adopting additional urgent measures in the social and economic sphere to deal with COVID-19).