The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
12 The measures adopted by the executive during the state of alarm pose a critical situation for people who are victims of gender violence 40 since house confinement or isolation and coexistence with the aggressor constitute a risky situation. At first, no specific measures were contemplated in Royal Decree No. 463/2020, but later in Royal Decree-Law No. 12/2020, of 31 March, on urgent measures in the field of protection and assistance to victims of gender violence 41 . Accordingly, Article 3.3 regulates the reception services for victims of gender violence and other forms of violence against women. It also indicates that, when necessary to guarantee the reception of victims and their sons and daughters at risk, the Administrations Competent publics may arrange the use of tourist accommodation establishments, referred to in Order TMA/277/2020, of 23 March, declaring essential services to specific tourist accommodation and adopting complementary provisions. The measures are translated into the declaration of essential services; the operation of the services during the 24 hours referring to the information and legal advice, telecare and social assistance; victim reception services; establishment employing information and communication technologies (ICTs) of telematic means of compliance with precautionary measures and restraining orders to guarantee the safety of victims, and measures relating to personnel who provide comprehensive social assistance services to them, adapting to the lack of presence 42 . It is necessary to take into account what is indicated in the provisions of Organic Law No. 1/2004, of 28 December, on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence 43 , in Royal Decree-Law No. 9/2018, of 3 August, on urgent measures for developing the State Pact against gender violence 44 and in Law No. 3/2019, of 01 March, on improving the orphan situation of daughters and sons victims of gender violence and infancia y la adolescencia, nº 16, 2019, 3, available in: [ consulted 02 April 2020]. 40 Cfr. B AELO Á LVAREZ , M. y D ÍAZ -B AUTISTA C REMADES , A., “Estado de alarma como medida de “contención social” ante el COVID-19”, Diario La Ley, nº 9592, 2020ª y “Estado de alarma como medida de “contención social” ante el COVID-19”, Diario La Ley, nº 9594, 2020b. 41 BOE nº 91, 01 April 2020. 42 See: M AGRO S ERVET , V., “Casuística sobre la violencia de género y la declaración del estado de alarma a raíz del Coronavirus”, Diario La Ley, nº 9601, 2020. 43 BOE No. 313, 28 December 2004. 44 BOE No. 188, 04 August 2018.
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