The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
13 other forms of violence against women 45 , as well as the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, held in Istanbul, on 11 May 2011, and ratified by Spain 46 . Conclusions The state of alarm due to COVID-19 in Spain has led to the adoption of a series of multidisciplinary measures, which have also affected the tourism sphere. The confinement of the population, which have been quarantined, and the survival of only essential services meant a change in the economic and social scenario, causing a severe decline in the country’s economy, whose one of the most important resources it is the tourism industry. A sector that has disappeared during the period that we are living - and this is not an exaggeration -, since no type of displacement is allowed for these reasons, in addition to the temporary closure of land borders. We have differentiated the measures concerning tourism in general, and then we have considered measures that affect certain groups of persons that have been placed in tourist accommodation due to the COVID-19 situation, such as the especially vulnerable employees and people. The motivation is to be able to provide accommodation and food to groups that have to carry out different activities, and that for reasons of limited mobility may be limited. The possibility of accessing tourist accommodation to professional transporters of goods is also expanded so that they can clean and feed themselves. In addition, of the tourist accommodations that are included in the annexes of the Orders that regulate this possibility, other tourist accommodations are also allowed to provide accommodation and restaurants, despite not being included in the list, as long as they comply with the conditions of protection to prevent the expansion of the COVID-19. This disaffection occurs after being considered as essential services of this type of establishments in some of them, in order to collaborate and cooperate in the fight against the economic and social crisis generated by COVID-19, after the declaration of the state 45 BOE No. 53, 02 March 2019. 46 BOE No. 137, 06 June 2014.
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