The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
5 of the loans granted by the Secretary of State for Tourism, in the framework of the Emprendetur R+D+i program, the Emprendetur Young Entrepreneurs program and the Emprendetur Internationalization program. Within Chapter II on measures to sustain economic activity in transitional difficulties as a result of COVID-19, and within measures to support industrialisation, Royal Decree-Law No. 11/2020 regulates the modification of the time and period for the submission of guarantees provided for in the announcements for loans granted by the General Secretariat of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises (SGIPYME), pending resolution at the time of entry into force of Royal Decree No. 462/2000 (Article 38). It also regulates the refinancing of loans granted by the SGIPYME (Article 39), the reimbursement of expenses and the granting of aid for cancellation of activities promoting international trade and other international events (Article 40) and the suspension, without prior request, and with a duration of one year, of the payment of interest and repayment of the loans granted by the Secretary of State for Tourism, concerning the following regulations (Article 41): a) Order IET/2481/2012, of 15 November, which approves the regulatory bases for granting aid for projects and actions within the Emprendetur program R+D+i lines comprising Emprendetur R+D and Emprendetur development of innovative products within the framework of the National Comprehensive Tourism Plan 17 ; b) Order IET/476/2013, of 14 March, amending Order IET2482/2012, of 15 November, which establishes the regulatory bases for granting aid for projects and actions within of the Emprendetur Young Entrepreneurs program, within the framework of the National and Comprehensive Tourism Plan 18 and ; c) Order IET/2200/2014, of 20 November, which approves the regulatory bases for granting aid for projects and actions within the Emprendetur Internationalisation program within the framework of the Comprehensive National Tourism Plan 19 . 17 BOE nº 279, 20 November 2012. 18 BOE No. 73, 26 March 2013. 19 BOE No. 285, 25 November 2014.
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