The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
7 this Article and any prolongations under paragraph 3 of this Article, shall not exceed two months. 5. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament without delay of notifications made under this Article”. In this sense, the following were approved: Order INT/239/2020, of 16 March, reestablishing internal land borders controls due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19 21 ; Order INT/283/2020, of 25 March, extending the internal land borders controls restored due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19 22 ; and, noteworthy, Order TMA/285/2020, of 25 March, which adopts extraordinary flexibility measures in the areas of civil aviation not regulated by the regulations of the European Union in relation to the situation created by the global crisis of COVID-19 23 . II. The Suspension of Opening to the Public of Tourist Accommodation Establishments In the tourist field, the case of tourist accommodation is complex, since there are common spaces that are shared, and this carries a high risk of contagion. For these reasons, it was considered appropriate, to avoid the spread of the pandemic, the suspension of tourist accommodation establishments regarding their public opening, following the provisions of Article 10.4 of Royal Decree No. 463/2020. On 19 March, the Order SND/257/2020 was approved, declaring the suspension of opening to the public of tourist accommodation establishments, in accordance with Article 10.6 of Royal Decree No. 463/2020 24 . In this regard, hotels and similar accommodation, tourist accommodation and other short-stay accommodation, as well as camping sites and caravan parks, are included in this suspension, with the scope of the application being in the entire national territory. However, the provision of surveillance, 21 BOE No. 70, 16 March 2020. 22 BOE No. 83, 26 March 2020. 23 BOE No. 83, 26 March 2020. 24 BOE No. 75, 19 March 2020.
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