Sustainable Tourism Law
Planning and sustainable development of tourism resources Julio Facal Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay I. TOURISM AND TOURIST ACTIVITY In order to define tourist activities, we may say “ Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes unrelated to pursuing a gainful activity in the place visited. The use of this comprehensive concept allows the identification of both, tourism between countries and within the country”. Tourism (in an economic sense): “is the economic activity which produces goods and services that, respecting the physical limitations of the space in which they are developed and the psyche of the inhabitants and other players, are dedicated to those who choose to move temporary and voluntarily outside their place of habitual residence, without forming part of the labour market of the destination, whether or not for the purpose of recreation” (Gustavo R. Capece). “ Complex phenomenon, sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity. Personal use of leisure time, special form of recreation associated with pleasure, rest, and that may be associated to other type of activity”... “it may be classified in various forms, each one aimed towards a specific need, being even possible its identification according to several of its characteristics” Miguel Acerenza. The historic evolution of this activity is significant, as it has only recently – in relative terms – been properly developed. Although people travelled for religious or commercial reasons since time immemorial and during the Middle Ages, tourism per se did not exist due to the scarce development of transport. However, the first inns appeared during these times, as well as people working as trail guides and assisting travellers. Hence, the concept of tourism dates back to the 19th century, when the idea of tourists (as persons travelling for recreational purposes, visiting different places) and tourism (theory and practice of traveling)
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