Sustainable Tourism Law
SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE DANUBE REGION 693 1997 15 , International Cultural Tourism Charter: Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage in 1999, Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in 1999, 16 UN Millennium Declaration in 2000, Code for Sustainable Tourism in 2001, Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism in 2002, BabiaGóraDeclaration on SustainableTourismDevelopment in Mountain Areas, Réunion Island Resolution A/RES/66/288, entitled “The Future We Want” (Rio + 20) in 2012, Declaration on Sustainable Tourism in Islands in 2013 17 , The Ninh Binh Declaration on Spiritual Tourism for Sustainable Development in 2013 18 , UN Resolution on the Promotion of Sustainable Tourism, Including Ecotourism, for Poverty Eradication and Environment Protection in 2015 (A/RES/69/233) 19 , Resolution A/RES/70/1 entitled “Transforming ourWorld: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” 20 . So far, no legally binding document in the form of convention has been adopted under the auspices of UNWTO 21 . However, UNWTO is finalizing the process of conversion of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, UNWTO’s main policy document, into an international 15 Adopted by the Ministers and Heads of Delegation, assembled in Berlin for the International Conference on Biodiversity and Tourism from 6 to 8 March, 1997 in Berlin. Available at: berlin.html. 16 The WTO Summit held in Santiago, Chile, on October 1, 1999, approved the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism that consolidated and reinforced previous recommendations and declarations on sustainable tourism. It aims to help maximise the sector’s benefits while minimising its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe. The Code’s 10 principles cover the economic, social, cultural and environmental components of travel and tourism: 1) Tourism’s contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies; 2) Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment; 3) Tourism, a factor of sustainable development; 4) Tourism, a user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its enhancement; 5) Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities; 6) Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development; 7) Right to tourism; 8) Liberty of tourist movements; 9) Rights of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry; 10) Implementation of the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Available at: 17 18 Available at: 19 Available at: RES/69/233. 20 The 2030 Agenda (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals) contains 17 sustainable development goals which are agreed upon at the UN Sustainable Summit in 2015, aiming to balance out the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental (Goal 1: No Poverty; Goal 2: Zero Hunger; Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for people; Goal 4: Quality Education; Goal 5: Gender Equality; Goal 6: CleanWater and Sanitation; Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities; Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; Goal 13: Climate Action; Goal 14: Life Below Water; Goal 15: Life on Land; Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals). They are based on the Agenda 21 and MillenniumDevelopmentGoalsandseektocompletewhattheydidnotachieve.Availableat:https://sustainabledevelopment. 21 However, there are several conventions adopted by other UN organizations which are in the function of sustainable tourism, such as: UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage from 1972, UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage from 2003, UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions from 2005.
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