Sustainable Tourism Law
798 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Not being clear about the role of the legal system in general and the airport in particular can be, in fact it is, a real obstacle that delays or makes more expensive the challenges that the industry faces. The challenge, its success, is in the hands of the States, in their role as legislators and authority, not only in aeronautics but in all areas of their actions that are linked to civil aviation. It is also in the hands of airport operators, technology providers and the international organizations and institutions that represent and group them, promoting the benefits that technology means for such purposes. So, it is necessary to deepen the development of airport law, in the sense that from the legal system the airport finds a scope of tutelage, centrality and balance in the ecosystem of civil aviation that it integrates. From there, the jurists and lawyers who deal professionally with the airport as well as any field of the profession, including scientific research, requires research, training and development of their skills, which is an application of this legal and regulatory aspect faced by the airport service, in general, and the airport legal relationship, in particular. In such a way that legal science does not end up being consolidated as a stumbling block to the progress of civil aviation, which it both serves to the development and growth of societies in all corners of the planet.
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