Sustainable Tourism Law
MEASURES TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 833 4. Promote the creation and development of tourism products and routes that will not negatively impact Balearic Islands natural resources, with a view to helping to shift the seasonal concentration of demand and produce stable good quality employment. 5. Foster ways in which Balearic Islands tourism segments, destinations and products might complement each other, thereby helping improve tourism sector competitiveness. This involves focusing on the special individual characteristics of each Balearic Island. 6. Help eachBalearic Islandattainexcellence andoverall quality, differentiating the Balearic Islands from other competitor tourism destination. 7. Generate the use of new technologies in tourism, fostering innovation and supporting research. 8. Implement regulatory mechanisms to harmonise and articulate the supply of tourism elements, also implementing legal instruments to ensure proper compliance, whilst keeping in mind the reality of each Balearic Island. 9. Focus on rehabilitation of long-standing Balearic Islands tourism destinations and promote inland tourism. Provide incentives for emerging sustainable tourismdestinations and products, whilst improving traditional tourism. 10. Foster sustainability as an indispensable factor, as well as high quality tourist experiences. 11. Promote social sustainability based on workers’ rights and improved services. Training the workforce is a key tool for guaranteeing the sustainability and quality of tourism. I have decided to focus on two of these eleven strategies. Fostering overall sustainability of the Balearic Islands as a tourism destination, reducing negative impacts deriving from tourism and enhancing positive impacts; and only promoting winter season tourism in order to reduce high concentrations of visitors in the summer season, thereby helping regenerate ecosystems harmed by summer tourism. I shall also focus on certain measures that have been taken to bring tourism development and preservation of the environment into equilibrium, as well as enhancing residents’ quality of life. It is common knowledge that tourism is a main source of wealth for the Balearic Islands and that this has helped lead economic development, thereby contributing to the wellbeing of Balearic island residents. However, tourism is
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