Sustainable Tourism Law

90 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW A specific approach on development and Sustainable Tourism: case studies Sustainable tourism theories need measures and measurements 123 . Therefore, they also need an analysis of the impact of tourism activities on a specific region or surrounding. We have seen that in human science the case studies are the foundation of research methods and theoretical conclusions. Tourist scholars were no exception 124 . A fundamental number of researches and studies in Tourism sustainability were – and are – made with specific attention to a particular situation 125 . Geographical or connected with a particular form of tourism. Think of the Island of Samoa, for example 126 . In Italy, for example, this methodology was used when studying the impact of tourism in the Aeolian archipelagos 127 , or in Sardinia 128 . In terms of the types of tourism, some are expanding, some are new, some are old, but all of them are receiving new life 129 . Let’s explore them. The Expansion of Tourism: Tourism and Cultural Tourism A particular form of tourism is called “Cultural Tourism” 130 . Cultural Tourism (or culture tourism) is defined as the subset of tourism concerned with a traveller’s 123 See, for example, AA.VV ., Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition. The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators, Graham MILLER – Louise TWINING-WARD Editor, CABI Publishing, Cambridge, 2005. See also Patrizia MODICA, Sustainable Tourism Management and Monitoring. Destination, Business and Stakeholder Perspective , Franco Angeli, Milano, 2015. 124 See, for example, AA.VV ., Le nuove frontiere del Turismo. Tra performance, sostenibilità e forme di accoglienza , Francesco Torchia Editor, Aracne Editrice, 2017. 125.VV ., Sustainable Tourism Futures. Perspective on Systems, Restructuring and Innovation, Edited by Stefan GÖSSLING, C. Michael HALL, David WEAVER, Routledge, New York, 2009. See also G. Michael MCGRATH – Alexandra LAW – Terry DELACY, (Victoria University, Australia), Green economy planning in tourism destinations: An integrated, multi-method decision support aid , in The Journal of Developing Areas . Vol. 49 Issue 6. 2015, p145-155. 126 Louise TWINING-WARD – Richard BUTLER, Implementing STD on a Small Island: Development and Use of Sustainable Tourism Development Indicators in Samoa, in Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2002, page 363. 127 AA.VV ., Isole Eolie. Quanto turismo? Analisi dei mercati turistici regionali e sub-regionali , Anna Maria PARROCO – Franco VACCINA Editors, CLEUP, Padova, 2005. 128 Silvia BATTINO, Turismo sostenibile in Gallura prospettiva vincente o modello illusorio? I principali caratteri distintivi del cuore turistico della Sardegna, Pàtron Ed., 2015; Francesco MORANDI and Antonio USA, Il turismo sostenibile in Sardegna il laboratorio Gallura analisi sullo stato attuale e possibili scenari di sviluppo , Milano: Franco Angeli Ed.,. 2012. 129 Same types of tourism are more connected with Sustainable Tourism then other. Hyppotourism, for example. Food tourism. Wine Tourism. On thiese last forms, see Laura SOLIMENE and Maddalena POLATO, Il Turismo in cantina nei territori del Chianti senese ; Elia FERRARA, Gianpaolo PIRRERA, Marco PLATANIA and Roberta SPADONI, Food Tourism: la relazione tra cibo e territorio su Twitter, in AA.VV. , Le nuove frontiere del Turismo. Tra performance, sostenibilità e forme di accoglienza , Francesco Torchia Editor, cit., respectively on page 81 and 105. 130 Patrizia BATTILANI, The Relationship between Cultural Tourism and Heritage Management in Italy during the Past two Hundred Years , in: European tourism and culture. History and National perspectives, ATHENS, Livanis Publishing Organization, 2007, pp. 225 – 249.