Sustainable Tourism Law

98 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW sensation occurs of being in the Las Vegas version of Venice rather than in the real thing. Maybe it’s all the luggage, the shopping bags, the lack of Italians ”. And continues: “ All of those bed-and-breakfasts, and the city’s roughly 2,500 hotels, produce a lot of towels and linens that need laundering. Venice no longer has the capacity for such an undertaking ”. These critics have found finally an echo with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism that is working to find a solution that hopefully will ban the great ships from Venezia. The Role of International Law Finally, international law will find its role in the construction of a Tourism Sustainability Law. No international conventions are in force today. But there is a current attempt by the UN World Tourism Organization to change this that we have mentioned before. ABSTRACT In ancient times, travels, geography, literature and tourism were connected. Inmoderntimes,Tourismgrowthwasconsideredapositiveelementofdevelopment. Tourism was considered “green”, and Tourism Industry a “Green Industry”. The relation between man and nature has always been controversial, and is part of the history of man and civilization. In the XX century, ecology, environment and sustainability were still object of studies and academic discussions. The time wasn’t mature for practical applications outside the fields of social sciences. After the horror and destruction of the SecondWorldWar, reconstruction was imperative. Ecology, pollution and the natural environment were not considered. But as time went by, the savage exploitation of nature and the environment began to be object of concern and debate. The branches of ecology and environmental care were developed. This new approachhas affectedEconomic, Business Administration, Strategy,Management and Tourism Mass tourism created wealth. But it may have had devastating effects on the environment. Mass tourism, with millions of people moving and visiting locations all over the planet has undoubtedly affected the environment. Hotels and resorts were built. Planes are flying. Secret, previously inaccessible, places are