Tourism Law in Europe

8 5.2. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Island Policy Under its new Organisation (Presidential Decree 13/2018, Government Gazette Α’ 26), the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Island Policy has core responsibilities as far as maritime tourism is concerned. In particular, the Ministry must: a) set up the national maritime policy in order to protect and promote the Greek shipping interests and connect them to the national economy; b) develop maritime education and safe maritime working conditions; c) protect the marine environment; d) plan and implement integrated insular policy and policy of maritime tourism and maritime transport, communications and traffic; e) take measures for the safety of navigation and the protection of human life and property at sea; and f) promote the national port system as a development factor of the economy, the islands and the shipping industry of the country. More specifically, this Ministry undertakes the planning, supervision, coordination and administrative control of the application of legislation for marine recreational means and small crafts, bathing facilities, lifeguards, recreational diving, swimmers, recreational vessels, sailing races and tourism in the areas of responsibility of the Hellenic Coast Guard. As far as the tourism policy is concerned, the General Secretariat of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments is responsible for the formulation and implementation of integrated policy and strategy for the organisation, operation, development and valorisation of the country’s ports. It provides for the planning and promotion of measures for the development of maritime tourism, the attraction of investments in shipping and relevant to shipping sectors as well as the promotion of the development potential of shipping in order to boost the national economy. In particular, the Directorate of Maritime Investments and Maritime Tourism of the General Secretariat of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments lays great emphasis on the development of maritime and coastal tourism. Furthermore, it incorporates the Department of Development of Maritime Tourism and Maritime Tourism Investments