Tourism Law in Europe

11 The contract also includes the employer's obligation to allow the guest access to the different areas of the establishment, such as lounges, swimming pools, solarium, gymnasiums, etc., unless some of them require extra payment and the client is warned in advance since otherwise they will be understood to be free access (this has been customary and was expressly included in Article 534-13.1 PCM: “[e] l acceso a las dependencias complementarias se realizará en los términos pactados, entendiéndose libre y gratuito salvo que se haya comunicado su precio con anterioridad a la celebración del contrato ” 24 ). Finally, and under the provisions of Article 1783 CC, the hotelier assumes the obligation of custody of the goods that the traveler brings with him, although their different treatment will be the object of study later on when dealing with the liability regime of the hotelier for the effects brought in by the guest. IV.2. Obligations of the Guest For its part, the customer assumes the essential obligation to pay the price of the accommodation and the other services he has enjoyed during his stay, at the moment when the bill is presented to him. Traditionally, this payment was made when the guest left the hotel establishment, as it was then when the invoice not only detailed not only the price of the accommodation but also the other services he had enjoyed. However, the different socio-economic situations are bringing about certain changes. Thus, in addition to the guarantee coverage through credit cards, to which we referred earlier, it is becoming increasingly common to request payment of the accommodation service and meals in advance, either on arrival at the establishment or via the website 25 . The guest also undertakes other obligations of a secondary nature, aimed both at enabling the hotelier to provide the service in the best possible way, and at the enjoyment of the rest of the guests. Thus, it should be pointed out that it is essential to comply with the instructions given by the employer regarding the care of their belongings or the access of strangers to their rooms, as we will see that, although the employer will 24 Access to the additional premises shall be on the agreed terms, being free and free of charge unless the price has been communicated before the conclusion of the contract (author’s translation). 25 The fact is that this change of use does not contradict any rule, vid . FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ, N. El alojamiento colaborativo , op . cit ., p. 161.