Tourism Law in Europe
23 being understood to exist by the mere agreement of the accommodation contract (SAP of Burgos, of 19 September 2013) 52 . It is usual, either when the guest checks in, or when he arrives at his room and turns on the television screen, for the employer to give him a series of indications regarding the safekeeping and custody of said effects, among which are the indications already mentioned, the recommendation to keep in the safety deposit boxes, either in the individual one or in the central one, those that are of special value. It is also usually accompanied by texts alluding to their lack of responsibility in the opposite case, but we will return to this below. Let us now consider what is to be understood by making the employer aware of the goods brought in, i.e. giving the employer "knowledge" of the entry of the luggage. Does the traveller have to keep a detailed list of what he has in his bags or suitcases? Does he have to open them or make a list of what he has in them when he arrives at the hotel? Well, no, despite some judicial pronouncements that require this specific list (Alicante Provincial Court ruling of 14 April 2011), it must be understood that the employer is aware of what is brought into his establishment in view of the employer, or at least not in a clandestine manner (because it is probably expressly prohibited), since according to the Las Palmas SAP of 22 July 2009, “ la interpretación del requisito de la puesta en conocimiento del hotelero de los efectos introducidos no puede ser tan rigurosa que se exija que se declaren expresamente al ingresar en el establecimiento todos y cada uno de aquellos efectos de un especial valor, para que el dueño del establecimiento pueda adoptar las medidas preventivas precisas y dar al cliente las instrucciones necesarias para su adecuada protección y seguridad. Pero de aquellos otros efectos de uso personal y no de especial valor, que constituyen el contenido propio de objetos necesarios para la actividad diaria del cliente (por ejemplo ropa, objetos de aseo, la propia maleta, llaves de la vivienda, del coche, etc...) no es preciso hacer una declaración expresa, por cuanto por su propia naturaleza no necesitan la adopción de especiales medidas de precaución o 52 Certainly, the custody of these goods derives from the application of a rule, since it is the law which, on the basis of the accommodation contract, obliges the guest to respond as if there were a deposit for the objects taken from the rooms, vid . CEBALLOS MARTÍN, M. M. La regulación jurídica de los establecimientos hoteleros , op . cit ., pp. 231 et seq . This is an ex lege obligation of an accessory nature that is an integral part of the accommodation contract, vid . GONZÁLEZ CABRERA, I. “La seguridad del turista en la ejecución del contrato de hospedaje: breves consideraciones”, Derecho de los Negocios , no. 208, p. 23.
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