Tourism Law in Europe

21 providing non-classified accommodation services (apartment complex services, country tourism services, bed and breakfast services, hostel services, holiday home services, tourist boat accommodation services, tourist camp services, sanatorium accommodation services, short-term accommodation services) notification about the provision of non-classified accommodation services is required. It should be mentioned that a list of the certified guides and accommodation services providers can be found on the internet page of the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority 39 . 5. Some Legislative Initiatives during COVID-19 Tourism can be negatively affected due to the regional or international political uncertainties, adverse economic conditions, consequences of terrorism and health threats. Although tourism has been exposed to a wide range of crises in the past, it has proven that tourism as a system has been resilient to external shocks 40 . However, the challenges posed in the context of COVID-19 virus outbreak, overshadowed all former threats, as tourism, both international and domestic, has faced particularly heavy restrictions on movement and travel. It is obvious that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. In Communication from the Commission “Tourism and transport in 2020 and beyond” adopted on the 13 th of May, 2020 it is stated that as a result of travel and other restrictions, tourism reached a gradual halt during the first quarter of 2020 in the EU and globally. The OECD estimates this decline to be from 45% to 70%, depending on the length of the health crisis and on the pace of recovery 41 . The circumstances of 2020 have also brought additional challenges to citizens’ rights, as restrictions on our freedoms, such as freedom of movement or freedom to conduct a business, had to be applied to address the COVID-19 pandemic 42 . Limitations caused by the 39 List is available i n 40 S. Gössling. Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19; available in 41 Available in content/EN/TXT/?qid=1591191111789&uri=CELEX:52020DC0550. 42 Commission Communication 2020 Rule of Law Report 30 September 2020, COM(2020) 580 final; available in