Tourism Law in Europe

Conservation and Landscape Protection Act 5 . A citizen of a Member State of the European Union authorised to operate as a tour guide in the territory of a Member State of the EU may temporarily provide services in the territory of the Czech Republic in accordance with Article 56 et seq. of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Also, a juristic person whose internal affairs are governed by the laws of a Member State of the European Union and that has its registered office, central administration or principal place of business in a Member State of the EU and is authorised to operate as a tour guide in the territory of a Member State of the EU, may temporarily provide services in the territory of the Czech Republic in accordance with Article 56 et seq. of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The same applies to tour guides from the EEA and Switzerland. However, before providing their service for the first time in the territory of the Czech Republic, these guides are required to notify the Ministry for Regional Development accordingly. The notice is submitted electronically. A tour guide is a natural person providing a group of people or individuals with a presentation regarding the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the country and the current life in the country. Such a presentation includes, in particular, information on culture (history, art, archaeology, folklore, ethnology, gastronomy, etc.), environment (geology, nature, climate, etc.), individual sites (historical and industrial sites, city centres, etc.), places (museums, churches, etc.) and areas (tourist areas, regions, etc.). A tour guide may also sell items related to tourism such as admission tickets, maps, timetables, souvenirs, etc. d) Mountain leader and mountain guide The basic regulations concerning the activities of a mountain leader (in Czech: horský průvodce) and mountain guide (in Czech: horský vůdce) include the Trade Act and related Government regulations specifying the contents of individual trades. The official name of the trade now reads: tour guiding in mountains. An amendment to the Tourism Act is being prepared, whereby the regulation of these professions should also be reflected in 5 Act No. 114/1992 Coll., on nature conservation and landscape protection, as amended.