Tourism Law in Europe
5 4.4. Camping Camping is a popular way to tourist in Sweden. Many camping sites are open all year round, but camping is mostly a summer activity due to the Swedish climate. Camping sites are available all over Sweden. A large number of camping sites are members of SCR Svensk Camping, which association has a code of conduct and ethical guidelines for their members. SCR also has a classification system for camping sites. Many of the Swedish camping sites also has small cottages for rent. In order to set up a camping site one need a building permit, which is obtained from the local municipality 6 . Besides the building permit there are a lot of detailed regulations regarding electricity, fire safety, drain etc. Camping sites are intended for temporary residence. In Sweden it is common for tourists to set up a caravan at a camping site for the whole season. Many regions have local regulations that demands a building permit to set up a caravan for a longer period. According to allemansrätten it is in principle free for everyone to set up a tent for a shorter period in the Swedish countryside. There is not a defined time limit for what is regarded a shorter period , but 1-2 days is generally regarded as a shorter time. You may also set up a tent on someone else’s land. It is however not permitted to camp within eyesight from any buildings or gardens or otherwise disturb the landowner. In many regions there are local restrictions for setting up tents within city limits and on public spaces such as parks and sport grounds. It is also in principle permitted to park a caravan or a camper for a short period. However, Allemansrätten does not apply to motorised vehicles, which are only permitted on roads, and it is thus not permitted to park a camper or caravan in the woods. As with tents, parking is only permitted for a shorter period, probably not more than 1-2 days. On many of the hiking trails in Sweden there are shelters or overnight cabins that may be used free of charge. 6 Plan- och bygglag (2010:900).
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