Tourism Law in Europe
17 the establishment and temporary provision of tourism services by the providers from other EU Member States. The Tourism Services Act, the Act on the Regulated Professions and the Services Act are thus interconnected and they apply in parallel to foreign providers of tourism services. When foreign providers from other EU Member States want to provide tourism services, all the requirements for the provision of a particular tourist service set fourth in the TSA, the requirements provided for in the Act on the Regulated Professions for the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications, as well as those provided for in the Services Act for the establishment of temporary provision of services must cummulatively be met. The TSA expressly lays down the manner and the conditions for the provision of tourism services, including the minimum level of education for individual tourism service providers, the certification exam for tourism service providers, as well as some administrative procedures for approval decisions on the performance of tourism services. The TSA provisions are followed by the provisions of the Act on the Regulated Professions, laying down specific rules on the access to regulated professions in Croatia by citizens of other Member States and mutual recognition of professional qualifications between Member States. The recognition of professional qualifications for professionals wishing to establish themselves in another EU country on a permanent basis (establishment) or those wishing to provide services only on a temporary basis (services) are separately dealt with. The TSA applies subsidiarily on the provision of tourism services by foreign providers and it lays down the general provisions on freedom of establishment for providers and on free movement of services, the definition of service, the rights of the recipients of services, the professional liability insurance and guarantees, commercial communications within regulated professions, as well as administrative cooperation. To implement the aforementioned Acts and to enable access to information on the recognition of professional qualifications and on the establishment and temporary provision of services, including tourism services, special assistance centres and points of single contact have been established in Croatia. The national assistance centre and the contact point for regulated professions in Croatia is the National ENIC/NARIC Office (Agency for Science and
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