Tourism Law in Europe

22 important for the regulation of tourism services, such as the general rules on consumer protection, the obligations law, the law on professional qualifications, on administrative procedure, et al . For the time being, most contracts that are important for the provision of tourism services, excluding package contracts, are provided in the Obligations Act but in a very traditional way that does not meet the demands of the contemporary market of tourism services. The same is the case with consumer protection which, within the framework of tourism services and contracts, often calls for higher standards and effective remedies but is still mostly based on the general rules on consumer protection laid down in the Consumer Protection Act. Yet another problem are very frequent changes and amendments to the tourism law rules which bring about legal uncertainty for the providers of services and their recipients. Therefore, when speaking of the future development of tourism in Croatia, it is very important to stabilise the legal regulation of tourism law to make it competitive with tourism bodies of law of other countries. To encourage new investments in tourism, it is necessary to upgrade the accommodation structure and its quality, to create new jobs and thus contribute to sustainable development of the whole society.