Tourism Law in Europe

8 provision of tourism services, very important harmonisation is that with Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications 18 . The most important professions in the Croatian tourism sector are regulated professions such as tourist guides or operations managers of travel agencies. Specific EU rules on the recognition of foreign professionals are very important for the foreigners from the EU Member States if they want to provide tourism services in Croatia on a permanent or temporary basis. Finally, Croatian tourism law is harmonised with EU rules on consumer protection. Directive (EU) 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements has been transposed in the TSA 19,20 . There is also a big number of general and specific acts regulating different questions important for tourism law. All these acts have subsidiary application. Individual legal aspects of the provision of tourism services are provided for by the provisions of the Obligations Act, the Companies Act 21 , the Services Act 22 , the Crafts Act 23 , the Consumer Protection Act, the Insurance Act 24 , the General Tax Act 25 , the Profit Tax Act 26 , the Value Added Tax Act 27 , the Antidiscrimination Act 28 , the Administrative Procedure Act 29 , the Civil Procedure Act 30 , the Act on the Regulated Professions, the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications, et al. Due to numerous Acts having subsidiary application in the area of the provision of tourism services, the picture of legal sources of Croatian tourism law is very complex. In many cases, 18 OJ L 255, 30/9/2005, pp. 22–142. Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualification is transposed in the Act on the Regulated Professions and the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (Official Gazette/NN , 82/15, 70/19, 47/20) . 19 OJ L 326, 11/12/2015, pp. 1–33. 20 Articles 26-60 TSA. For more, see in Josipović, T. The Implementation of the New Package Travel Directive in Croatia: Integration of the Package Travel Contract in Tourism Law, Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive , Torres, Carlos, et al. (ed.). Estoril, ESHTE, 2020, pp. 705-728. 21 Official Gazette/NN , 111/93, 34/99, 121/99, 52/00, 118/03, 107/07, 146/08, 137/09, 111/12, 125/11, 68/13, 110/15, 40/19. 22 Official Gazette/NN , 80/11. 23 Official Gazette/NN , 143/13, 127/19, 41/20. 24 Official Gazette/NN , 30/15, 112/18, 63/20, 133/20. 25 Official Gazette/NN , 115/16, 106/18, 121/19, 32/20, 42/20. 26 Official Gazette/ N N,177/04, 90/05, 57/06, 80/10, 22/12, 146/08, 148/13, 143/14, 50/16, 115/16, 106/18, 121/19, 32/20, 138/20 27 Official Gazette/NN , 73/13, 99/13, 148/13, 153/13, 143/14, 115/16, 106/18, 121/19, 138/20. 28 Official Gazette/NN , 85/08, 112/12. 29 Official Gazette/NN , 47/09. 30 Official Gazette/NN , 53/91, 91/92, 112/99, 129/00, 88/01, 117/03, 88/05, 2/07, 96/08, 84/08, 123/08, 57/11, 25/13, 89/14, 70/19.