Tourism Law in Europe

6  a holiday package containing accommodation for at least two overnight stays and catering services or other services related to a holiday in the territory of the Slovak Republic;  accommodation for at least two nights in the territory of the Slovak Republic, which may include catering services; and  organised multi-day activities and recreational events during school holidays in the territory of the Slovak Republic for a child of an employee attending elementary school or one of the first four years of grammar schools with an eight-year educational programme. Instead of holiday allowance, the employer may decide to provide the holiday contribution to the employee by means of a holiday voucher under the Tourism Promotion Act. Providing a contribution for recreation is executed through a holiday voucher on the basis of a contract with the issuer of a holiday voucher, as pursuant to a special regulation. The Tourism Promotion Act 23 and the Labour Code 24 stipulate the basic conditions for holiday vouchers. The amount of the fee for the arrangement of eligible expenditures shall not exceed 3% of the value of the holiday voucher. A holiday voucher is a special means of payment or a way to store property value electronically, issued by a limited provider according to a special regulation. 25 A holiday voucher can be used exclusively in the Slovak republic by service providers who have a contractual relationship with a limited provider. The holiday voucher is issued to a natural person, is non-transferable and it should serve exclusively to cover the same categories of eligible expenses listed above, regarding the provision of the holiday allowance. III. Vouchers for Substitute Packages – Special Regulation for COVID-19 “ The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in national travel bans as well as warnings or restrictions at borders. This has led to a vast number of cancellations and many citizens being unable to travel. The current unprecedented worldwide travel restrictions have caused almost a standstill of travel in Europe and many other parts of the world. This is having a serious impact on carriers, 23 § 27a of Tourism Promotion Act. 24 § 152a of Labour Code. 25 Zákon č. 492/2009 Z.z. o platobných službách a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (Act on Payment Services).