Tourism Law in Europe
In terms of powers, Title II of Book I lists the powers attributed to each entity. Thus, the State (Art. L-121-1) defines and applies the national tourism policy; determines and applies the procedures for the authorisation and classification of tourist facilities, organisations and activities according to the modalities established by decree; defines and conducts national tourism promotion operations with the local communities and interested partners; establishes the rules and guidelines for international cooperation in the field of tourism and ensures their application, in particular, by the competent international organisations. Furthermore, the State favours the coordination of public and private initiatives in the field of tourism. It collaborates in the tourist development actions initiated by the territorial communities, in particular, by signing planned contracts with the regions under the conditions stipulated by Articles 11 and 12 of Law no. 82-653 of 29 July 1982 that shows planning reform and Article L. 4251-1 of the General Code of Territorial Communities. In turn, within the framework of its planning powers, the Region (Art. L-131-1) defines the medium-term objectives of regional tourism development. The regional scheme for the development of tourism and the rest periods provided for in Article L. 131-7 sets the modalities and conditions to apply the objectives thus defined by the regional plan, in particular, in terms of financing. The agreements between the territorial collectivities concerned define, on the one hand, the actions contributing to the execution of the objectives set by the regional plan and, on the other hand, the provisions required to apply the scheme mentioned in the previous paragraph. Likewise, the Department (Art. L-132-1) establishes, through the general council, a departmental tourism adaptation scheme, in case it is necessary. This scheme takes into account the guidelines defined by the regional scheme for the development of tourism and rest times. Finally, the communal tourism organisations articulate the practical competences in the field of tourism information, constituted in the form of a public industrial and commercial establishment (arts. L-133-4 to L-133-10). All this takes place without prejudice to the access to holidays. Title 2: Specific tax regime for tourist activities. Title 3: specific provisions relating to certain overseas entities.
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