Tourism Law in Europe
2. Structure The Ministry of Economics, the leading institution in the tourism sector, is responsible for developing and implementing the state policy for tourism development. The Ministry’s competence, functions and tasks in the field of tourism are determined by the Tourism Law, regulations of the Ministry and other legal norms. It is worth mentioning the Sector Policy Department, responsible for tourism, and the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA), a direct administrative institution subordinated to the Ministry of Economics, responsible for the implementation of tourism policy. The former’s main task is to promote Latvia as an attractive and safe tourist destination (Ministry of Economics, 2020). The basis of Latvia’s state tourism policy and its implementation is determined by tourism policy documents, as well as laws and regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers ( ibidem ). Moreover, the state policy and implementation of tourism development ae determined by the Tourism Law , in force since 1998, as well as the following Cabinet Regulations : Procedure for granting and cancelling the status of a resort (18/12/2012, No. 905); Regulations on the Procedure for Completion, Storage and Transfer of the Foreigner’s Declaration Form (03/04/2007, No. 226); Latvian Tourism Development Action Plan for 2021-2027; Regulations on the Procedure for Preparation and Provision of a Complex and Related Tourism Service and the Rights and Obligations of Complex and Related Tourism Service Providers and Travelers (26/06/2018, No. 380); and Regulations of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (11/12/2012, No. 857) ( ibidem ). 3. Latvia’s Tourism Development Policy The goal of Latvia’s tourism development policy is the “sustainable development of tourism”, promoting the growth of competitiveness of tourism products in foreign markets. Today, the tourism industry is experiencing essential changes: digital commerce is growing, tourism products are becoming more diversified and new tourist destinations appear. That is why Latvia needs to develop tourism products and territories with the
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