Tourism Law in Europe

6 govern the status, organisation and operation of public entities tasked with monitoring tourist activities or promoting tourism growth and, on the other hand, regulate the relationships among these entities and between public and private entities. The following chapters present the organisation of tourism in the context of public institutions and, more specifically, the Greek administrative structures for tourism at the State level, as well as the role of local governments regarding the tourism industry. IV. Tourism Institutional Organisation IV.1. Public Authorities Responsible for Tourism A considerable number of public authorities have competences in the tourism sector, at different levels of public administration. The powers and scope of intervention among these authorities vary, and a significant number possess only a fragmented competence in relation to the specific technical or scientific subject matter of the tourist activity or facility concerned 10 . IV.1.1. Ministry of Tourism The efforts to establish a Ministry of Tourism began in the early 1990s and, more specifically, in 1989, with Law No. 1835/1989 for the “Establishment of a Ministry of Tourism and regulation of matters of public administration”. The Ministry was eventually established with Law No. 1835/1989 and has undergone a number of changes since, each of them within the legislative and regulatory context in effect at the time. In 1993, the Ministry of Tourism was reorganised with PD 459/1993 titled “Reorganisation of the Ministry of Tourism and specification of its competences”. In Law No. 2160/1993, the Ministry of National Economy was mandated with the supervision of the Greek National Tourism Organisation, becoming responsible for advertising and promoting Greece. These were followed by PD 313/2001, titled “Transfer of competences from the GNTO to the Ministry of Development and the Regional Units, establishment of agencies and staff positions in the Secretariat-General for Tourism and 10 Papathanasopoulos, A. (2018). Τουριστικό Δίκαιο , Ερμηνεία–Νομολογία–Υποδείγματα [Tourism Law, interpretation–Jurisprudence–Examples]. NOMORAMA.NT Publications, p. 19.