Tourism Law in Europe
16 representation, but to that of the contract in favour of a third party 53 . In practice this is not an uncommon hypothesis, both in personal and professional relationships, except when the contractor is a tourism professional. In this case, in fact, intermediary acts as the customer's representative, in accordance with the provisions of mandate contract, art. 1703 of the Italian Civil Code 54 . According to Supreme Court, then, even those who are in a position to be able to benefit from or use the services provided by hotelier, being on the premises of the latter, can qualify as customers. The element that distinguishes them from simple visitors concerns the use of hotel services (other than overnight stays) at the hotelier's premises 55 . On customer's side, the main obligation, which derives from the cause of paid hospitality in the contract, is to pay the price of service. The payment of room and other services takes place, according to usage, at the end of stay. Due to the deferred payment, legislator has introduced a privilege that weighs on 53 See, V. Geri, Albergatore (Responsabilità dell’) (Hotelier liability) , in Noviss. Dig. It., Appendice, I, 1980, p. 201; in jurisprudence says the Supreme Court that in the case of a hotel contract in favor of the third party, the latter "is neither a party in a substantive nor a formal sense and must limit himself to receiving the effects of a relationship already validly established and operating, without his being able to derive obligations towards the promisor ", Cass. Civ., 20 January 2005, n. 1150, in Giust. Civ., with comment of G. Gulletta, Assegnazione di alloggio a sinistrati: inquadramento nel contratto a favore del terzo (Allocation of housing to victims: classification in the contract in favor of the third party) ; contra Cass. Civ., 18 March 1971, n. 783, who considers the client's family members as mere recipients of the hotel services. 54 On qualification of the relationship between client and intermediary as mandate, see F. Lucarelli, Ruolo e responsabilità dell’agente di viaggi nella vendita di pacchetti turistici (Role and responsibility of the travel agent in the sale of tourist packages) , in Riv. it. dir. tur, 27, 2019, p. 407; C.S. Carrassi, Contratto di viaggio, (Travel contract), in Nuova giur. civ. comm. , 1987, I, 675; V. Cuffaro, Osservazioni in tema di contratto turistico (comments on the tourist contract), in Giur. Civ . 1976, I, 23; A. Flamini, Viaggi organizzati e tutela del consumatore (Travel contracts and consumer protection) , Neaples, 1999, p. 76 et seq .; M. Grigoli , Il contratto di viaggio (Travel contract), in Trattato di diritto privato (Private law treaty), Tourin, 1984, p. 807; Monticelli, Il contratto di viaggi o (Travel contract), Milan, 1994, 154; E. Moscati, La disciplina uniforme dei contratti di viaggio ed i principi della responsabilità per inadempimento, (The uniform regulation of travel contracts and the principles of liability for non-fulfillment) in Legislazione economica (Economic legislation), Milan, 1979, p. 352; G. Silingardi, M. Riguzzi & E. Gragnoli, Responsabilità degli operatori turistici (Responsibility of tour operators), in Riv. Giur. Circ. trasp ., 1988, p. 24; G. Silingardi & F. Morandi, “ La vendita di pacchetti turistic i” (The sell of packages), Milan, 1998, p.30; G. Tassoni, In tema di responsabilità civile derivante da contratto di viaggio (On the subject of civil liability deriving from a travel contract), in Resp. civ. e prev ., 1987, p. 460. In Jurisprudence: Pret. Roma 13 March 1973, in Nuovo dir ., 1973, p. 598, comment by C. Lamberti; Pret. Roma 17 December 1974, in Giur. Merito , 1976, I, 21, comment by V. Cuffaro; Cass. civ. 24 February, 1987, n.1929, in Nuova giur. civ. comm ., 1987, I, p. 672, comment by C.S. Carrassi; App. Milan 21 June 1988, in Dir. Trasporti , 1990, I, p. 258, comment of M. Deiana; App. Firenze 26 September 2001, in Diritto del Turismo , 4/2003, 360, comment by V. Mazier. 55 See Cass. Civ., 8 July 1981, n.4468, in Giust. Civ., I, 1982, pag. 1004 and, in doctrine, P. Russo, Responsabilità dell’albergatore o del gestore di ristorante verso il cliente e il suo ospite (Liability of the hotelier or restaurant manager towards customer and his guest) , in Rass. Dir. Civ., I, 1982, p. 1005.
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