Tourism Law in Europe
6 seeks innovation and sustainability 18 . He is critical of certain forms of consumerist and depriving tourism 19 . Albergo Diffuso , as a "receptive establishment that is in a historic area characterized by a lively community, located in several buildings close to each other, with unitary management able to offer hotel services to all guests” 20 fully responds to this need for innovation in respect for the environment and traditions. 3. The Origins and Relevance of Albergo Diffuso Origins can be found in the history of Albergo Diffuso Comeglians which began in 1978, when thanks to Leonardo Zanier, Zurich Polytechnic came to develop some degree thesis on the subject of reconversion of the territory destroyed by the 1976 earthquake. In 1982, a real "Comeglians Pilot Project" was proposed as a program for the inversion of trend, to renovate and use for tourism often empty and uninhabited houses. This was the first time in which the definition was mentioned, and probably coined of " Albergo diffuso " 21 . At the end of 1980s the Albergo Diffuso project was stigmatized in a definition: a company based on market demand, located in a charming historic centre, with rooms and services located in different buildings, albeit close to each other and as an answer to the demand of a tourism interested in staying in a prestigious urban context, in contact with residents, while taking advantage of the normal hotel services. However, it was only with the Project contained in the Tourist Development Plan of Comunità Montana Marghine Planargia 18 For an analysis of Albergo Diffuso as a tool for sustainable development, see F. Torchia, Tourism and Heritage: the role of the widespread hotel, in V. Franceschelli, F. Morandi & C. Torres, (ed.), Sustainable Tourism law, Esthe Inatel, p. 135 ss. On the subject of sustainability and respect for the environment, see: F. Niccolini, L’azienda turistica sostenibile (The sustainable tourism company) , Pisa, 2004, p. 28: C.A. Graziani, Dal diritto alla terra al diritto della terra (From the right to land to the right of land) , in Le risorse preziose: lo sguardo del giurista (Precious resources: the jurist's gaze) , Milan, 2005, p. 17. 19 G. Dall’Ara, Il fenomeno degli alberghi diffusi in Italia – Report 2004 (The phenomenon of widespread hotels in Italy - 2004 Report) , G. Dall’Ara & M. Esposito (ed.), Campobasso, 2005, p. 7 et seq . He identifies three types of tourists: the tourists of the first generation, immediately after the second post-war period, for whom everything is fine to take a holiday; the second generation of "standard tourists" at the time of the economic boom and finally the third generation who wants to live the holiday as an experience. 20 G. Dall’Ara, cit., p. 16. 21 Source : borghi-reloaded: riattivazione di borghi abbandonati ( The first definition of Albergo Diffuso is due to G. Dall’Ara, Progetto di sviluppo turistico di San Leo (Tourism development project) , 1989; and its theorization: Piano di sviluppo turistico della comunità montana “Marghine Planargia” (Tourism development project fo mountain community , Macomer, 1995, p.71.
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