Tourism Law in Europe
7 (Nuoro, 1995), launched in Bosa and then in Santulussurgiu 22 , that the "Model of a Albergo diffuso ” was identified and the feasibility was demonstrated: buildings close to each other, renovated with the aim of creating an entrepreneurial management 23 and able to guarantee all hotel services to guests, including the offer of common areas 24 . It is no coincidence, therefore, that the Sardinia Region was the first to issue legislation governing the sector (L.R. 12 August 1998, n. 27) which allows Alberghi Diffusi to be recognized and to operate, defining them in Article 25 paragraph 2 step 3: hotels characterized by the centralization in a single building of the reception office, of the rooms for common use and of the eventual restaurant and adjoining kitchen and by the displacement of the housing units in one or more separate buildings, provided they are located in the historic centre (zone A) of the Municipality and not more than 200 meters away from the building where the main services are located . We thus have a first legal definition that reflects the existing reality. And since the 90s this kind of hotel has found ample space for development in Italy, as it is a model perfectly in line with a sustainable growth strategy and with the Italian geographical context. It enhances and upgrades the existing building heritage, thus allowing tourism development, without impacting on the territory and its conservation. Albergo Diffuso is, therefore, an accommodation facility with unitary, entrepreneurial management, whose reception takes place in separate but close buildings, within the same historic centre, inhabited and alive, as it must satisfy a demand interested above all in authentic experience, without giving up the normal hotel services 25 . It has been defined as a horizontal hotel, in an unitary accommodation, located in an historical centre, with rooms and services located in different buildings, close to each other, facilitating a more 22 The Santulussurgiu albergo diffuso began its activity in 2001. 23 On the character of necessary entrepreneurship, see, F. Morandi, L’albergo diffuso, in Dir. tur., 2008, p. 18 et seq. , with regard to the regional laws that classify these structures among non-hotel ones. See also Dall’Ara, Il fenomeno degli alberghi diffusi in Italia (The phenomenon of Albergo Diffuso in italy) , in Dall’Ara & Esposto (ed.), Il fenomeno degli alberghi diffusi in Italia, Report 2004, Campobasso, 2005, p. 16 et seq . 24 See T. Cremona, Gli alberghi diffusi: storia e attualità (The albergo diffuso : history and current events), in 25 On Albergo Diffuso and its definition see: G. Dall’Ara, Manuale dell’albergo diffuso (Manual of Albergo Diffuso ) , Milan, 2015; F. Morandi, La disciplina regionale dell’albergo diffuso (The regional discipline of albergo diffuso ) , in Dir. tur., 2008, p. 18 et seq .; G. Dall’Ara, Il fenomeno degli alberghi diffusi in Italia, cit. , Campobasso, 2005.
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