Tourism Law in Europe
3. Package Travel With the exception of the provisions on insolvency protection 24 , the Package Travel Directive (EU) 2015/2302 has been implemented in Austria in the Package Travel Act (“Pauschalreisegesetz – PRG”) published in the Official Journal on April 24, 2017 25 which came into force on July 1, 2018. The Package Travel Act largely follows the structure and wording of the Directive: sec. 1: scope of application sec. 2: definitions sec. 3: nullity of deviating agreements to the detriment of the traveler sec. 4: pre-contractual information sec. 5: impact of the pre-contractual information on the content of the contract sec. 6: content of the contract and documents to be supplied before the start of the package sec. 7: transfer of the package travel contract to another traveller sec. 8: alteration of the price sec. 9: alteration of other package travel contract terms sec. 10: termination and withdrawal before the start of the package sec. 11: performance of the contractual travel services sec. 12: price reduction and compensation for damages sec. 13: possibility to contact the organiser via the retailer sec. 14: obligation to provide assistance sec. 15: information obligations regarding linked travel arrangements sec. 16: obligations of travel mediators in case of an organiser established outside the EEA sec. 17: liability for booking errors sec. 18: right of redress sec. 19: penal provisions 24 See 4) below. 25 BGBl I No. 50/2017.
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