Sustainable Tourism Law

122 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW report and, despite the criticism, is satisfiedwith it. In relation to the environment, we can only highlight the considerations of the consultancy on the “ Tourism and environment award ”, which points out as strengths: project visibility, long-term effects and a captivating logo; and as weaknesses: the insufficient mobilization of the member states and deficiencies in the selection of projects. II.4. The Commission Green Paper on the role of the European Union in tourism Prior to the publication of the Green Paper, the European Parliament resolution on tourism in the approach to the year 2000 of January 18, 1994, raises in paragraph 4 the issue that “ tourism shall: be considered as a strategic priority of economic development and grant tourism to be an industry, be financed by the Community budget, because of its importance for economic growth, employment and economic and social cohesion , provided that it is environmentally friendly ”. Paragraph 5 defines that “tourism, besides being an essential factor for economic development, also represents an undeniable social factor that facilitates the recognition of diversity (of cultures, places and ways of life) and the decrease of regional differences. Consequently, the Resolution recommends that all appropriations intended to this sector in the Community budget may also be used in favour of tourism development, which, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 130 R of the TEU and with the Fifth Action Programfor theenvironment, shallbeharmonious forbothpeopleandenvironment”. The Green Paper [COM (95) 97 final, Brussels, 4 April 1995] was intended to be a discussion document within the framework of the debates held during the informal meeting of the Ministers of Tourism, on 15 April 1994, in Athens, aiming to facilitate and stimulate a general reflection on the role of the Union in favour of tourism, from the perspective of the report that the Commission should submit to the Council before the end of 1996. The Economic and Social Committee adopted the Green Paper (95/C 301/15), but revealed that the lack of a legal basis in the TEU was an obstacle for a Community policy on tourism. Finally, the consultation turned out to be negative for tourism, so it was not included in the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1997. II.5. The failure of the “Philoxenia” programme (1997-2000) to assist European tourism The Commission presented the Proposal for a Council Decision on a First Multiannual Programme to Assist European Tourism “PHILOXENIA” (1997- -2000) [COM (96) 168 final], aiming to stimulate through coordination and