Sustainable Tourism Law
14 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW III.7. The effects of the principle of national effectiveness: mutual recognition. Declared unconstitutional by the decision of the Constitutional Court 79/2017, of June 22 III.8. The powers of the autonomous communities are emptied III.9. Frantic race towards deregulation. A new configuration of business freedom IV. The sustainable development of tourism and quality requires a proportional administrative intervention but one that is decisive and effective Conclusions Bibliography Pilar Juana Garcia Saura Sustainability and social responsibility in the regulations and management of collaborative hosting in big cities. Overview of the legal framework for the housing for tourism use 281 I. Introduction II. Sustainability of tourism in the regulations of Spanish autonomous communities. Overview II.1. Measures employed in the regulatory rules on housing for tourism use A. Social dimension: carrying capacity, neighbourhood coexistence and accessibility measures A.I. Carrying capacity A. II. The relation with neighbours: the bylaws of the community of owners and the existence of internal rules A. III. Compliance with regulations for the promotion of accessibility and removal of architectural barriers (for private use buildings) B. Economic dimension. Control of public administrations: census-register of dwellings C. Environmental dimension C. I. Urban planning: the last word C. II. Protection of resources essential for life: water, air. Compliance with other rules: sanitary, health and environment protection III. Policies of the administration in order to control or “to make it more sustainable” – the new tourism phenomenon: moratoriums when granting tourist licenses and zoning of the urban plan Conclusions Joana M. Socías Camacho Competition law versus spatial planning in vacation rentals in Spain 303 I. Introduction II. The regulation of collaborative accommodations and the justification for administrative interventions limiting the provision of the service
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