Sustainable Tourism Law

142 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW housing), alongside those of our national chain. The Widespread Hotel , however, in its most respected sense is a kind of template for hospitality typically made in Italy, which is distinguished by its ecotourism dimension, featuring a strong natural and environmental impact, where hospitality and receptivity come together to offer services, both traditional and innovative, in residential units located in certain areas (coasts, historic centres, mountains) or in their immediate vicinity. They reuse and enhance preexisting real estate units, provided (of course) with prescribed characteristics that not only allow the tourist to get to know better the scope of the territory he is visiting but also to receive a warm welcome, like a “temporary inhabitant” would, as he is able to repopulate a disused housing estate. This form of hotel is distinguished by its traditional forms of hospitality linked to the emblematic style that characterizes it, as besides the main accommodation, it offers the tourist those services (eventual and accessory services) 14 , which are closely linked to the territory, in line with the formalities, times and rhythms of the offer. Considering what has been stated, unlike other types of accommodation, the Widespread Hotel is a model for territorial marketing studies, which is considered as a “horizontal” hotel in a unitary accommodation, located in an historical centre, with rooms and services located in different buildings, although close to each other, facilitating a more direct contact with residents, in order to allow cultural integration, besides the re-qualification of properties. And all this comes to pass through the sponsorship of tourist packages, which standout for the originality of the chosen environment 15 , capable of generating consequences of a significant impact on the local economy (and, hence, regional). 14 On the content of the hotel contract and on the distinction between qualifying minimum benefits and additional qualifying benefits, cf. M. E. LA TORRE, Le prestazioni c.d. accessorie all’alloggio e i limiti di elasticità della causa del contratto di albergo , in Dir. del tur ., 2003, pp. 151 ss.; ID., Attività turistica e categorie contrattuali , cit ., paragraph n.4, and also E. VALIGNANI, Strutture ricettive e servizi per l’ospitalità: tipologie contrattuali , in Contratti , 2008, pp. 937 ss. 15 F. CASARIN, Il marketing dei prodotti turistici, specificità e varietà. La produzione e l’organizzazione dei viaggi e del turismo , curata da Maurizio Rispoli, vol.3. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 1996; V. MORANDI, La disciplina regionale dell’albergo diffuso , in Dir. Tur., 2008, p. 18 ss.; F. CHECCHINATO, P. GAZZOLA, Il marketing per la valorizzazione del territorio: una prospettiva di analisi, Congresso Internazionale “Le tendenze del marketing” . Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris – EAP, 21-22 Gennaio 2005; M. LA TORRE, I contratti di ospitalità , in F. MORANDI, M. M. COMENALE PINTO, M. LA TORRE , I contratti del turismo , Milano, 2004, p. 269 ss.; G. DALL’ARA, S. DI BARTOLO e L. MONTAGUTI, Modelli originali di ospitalità nelle piccole e medie imprese turistiche , Milano, 2000; ID., L’albergo diffuso, un’idea che piace , in Riv. Turismo , 2002, p. 24; G. DALL’ARA ed M. ESPOSITO, Il fenomeno degli Alberghi diffusi in Italia, Campobasso, Palladino , 2005 the interest for this type of hospitality is also witnessed by the presence of ADI, a national association of alberghi diffusi :; A. BORGHESI, Il marketing delle località turistiche. Aspetti metodologici e ricerche empiriche . Giappichelli, Torino. 1994.