Sustainable Tourism Law

16 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Valérie Augros The mountain, a territory for a sustainable tourism law in France 373 I. The development of tourism in French mountains I.1. The beginning of mountain tourism: the Snow Plan I.2. The key touristic activities in mountains I.3. The real importance of tourism in French massifs II. A new approach towards a sustainable tourism in mountains II.1. Mixed results with past tourism developments in French mountains II.2. Changing attitudes and laws II.3. New rights for sustainable tourism law in mountains a) Modernising construction regulations in ski resorts b) Improving the work of seasonal workers and life conditions c) Protecting mountain culture and agriculture d) Developing public services in mountains e) Prospective observations João de Almeida Vidal The implications of the Draft UNWTO Convention on the Protection of Tourists and the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers on the intermediaries facilitating the provision of standalone accommodation 383 Abstract I. The purpose of the Draft Convention II. The special issue of accommodation III. Concept of sharing accommodation and liability IV. Positioning of the intermediaries V. The Brighton accident VI. The defended position Conclusions Bibliography Ana Branca Soeiro de Carvalho The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism – the belief that tourism can make a meaningful contribution to people 393 I. Introduction II. Global Code of Ethics for Tourism – 10 principles II.1. The Code´s 10 principles III. Convention on Tourism Ethics IV. The responsible tourist and traveller IV. 1. Why is it important to support local economy? Conclusions Bibliography