Sustainable Tourism Law

20 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Valérie Augros The implementation of the new PTD in France: a balanced deal between all actors? 565 I. Strengthening the travellers´ rights: professionals are exposed to greater duties and risks A. Antecipation of difficulties I. Information II. Changes and termination of the contract before the start of the package B. Resolution of difficulties II. Ensuring competitiveness of travel businesses: professionals are under serious hesitation A. The delicate scope of the package and linked travel arrangements B. The delicate issue of extent of responsibility I. Current position under French law II. Expectations of French tour operators and travel agents Inmaculada González Cabrera The regulation of the dynamic package in the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 A missed opportunity for the European Legislator? 585 Abstract I. Introduction II. The dynamic package as a different product from the package travel III. The legal situation of the dynamic package according to our legislation IV. The changes contained in the Directive (EU) 2015/2302, of 25 November 2015, for the future regulation of the dynamic package IV.1. Essential information for the consumer IV.2. The insolvency protection Conclusions Bibliography Francisca Ramón Fernández and Cristina Lull Noguera Package and linked travels and the application of the new information and communication technologies (ICTS): an approach to the Spanish regulation 603 Summary I. Introduction II. Package and linked travels: Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European parliament and of the council of 25 November 2015 on package travel and linked travel arrangements III. An approach to the Spanish regulation. Application of new information and communication technologies (ICTS)