Sustainable Tourism Law

224 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW issues relating to the hierarchy of the common rules, continental laws and national laws 71 . In this respect, it should be noted that Annex II – Package travel operates in the same area as the Brussels International Convention of 23 April 1970 on travel contracts (the Convention internationale relative au Contrat de Voyage , the so-called “CCV”) 72 , which is currently still applied by very few States 73 . The draft International Convention, however, also interferes with the European and international regulations of the individual services which make up tourism packages and among them, in particular, the Regulation on passenger transport contracts 74 . Information and assistance obligations 75 , passenger protection and security duties 76 , the impediments to the proper implementation of the contract and the ius variandi 77 , the carrier’s liability and compensation for damages, the exercise of rights deriving from contracts and alternative dispute resolution systems, are fundamental issues on which the link between the draft International Convention and the regulation of transport require a coordinated effort 78 . 71 By way of example, just think that the notion of “tourist package” in the draft International Convention, although very similar, does not however coincide with the much more articulated and complex notion introduced by the Art. 3, n. 2), of the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements. 72 In literature, among all, V. Roppo, Commento alla Convenzione internazionale relativa al contratto di viaggio (CCV) , in Nuove leggi civili commentate , 1978, p. 1757 ss.; regarding the passage to the new regulation of the travel contracts established by the legislative decree 17 March 1995, n. 111, on the implementation in Italy of the Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours, see, above all, G. Silingardi – F. Morandi, La “vendita di pacchetti turistici” , II ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 1998, pp. 12 e 24. 73 At present the CCV is in force in a very small number of States; essentially Argentina, Cameroon, China, Dahomey, San Marino and Togo. According to the Art. 3, par. 2, of the Italian legislative decree 23 May 2011, No. 79, so-called “Code of tourism”, the Italian law of 27 December 1977, No. 1084, which implemented the International Convention on the travel contract (CCV) of 23 April 1970, is repealed with effect from the moment in which the denunciation of the Italian State of the CCV becomes effective, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 37 of the same; to date, however, the related instrument of denunciation have not yet been filed. 74 With specific reference to the legal regime of the contract for the transport of passengers, see above all the analysis of M. Lopez de Gonzalo, La nuova direttiva sui pacchetti turistici e la normativa internazionale e comunitaria in tema di trasporto di persone , in Dir. mar ., 2016, p. 405 ss., who observes that on the one hand, in fact, the transport of people constitutes in many cases a component of the package (and a particularly critical component in terms of the risk of personal injury); on the other hand, the subject of the transport of persons is the subject of a dated and stratified sectoral legislation, of uniform international law and, more recently, of Community law. 75 Most recently, on this subject, L. Ancis, Informazione e assistenza del passeggero nel trasporto aereo. Il muta- mento dei connotati dell’obbligo di protezione , ESI, Napoli, 2017, pp. 133 and 237. 76 Among all, see G. Mastrandrea, L’obbligo di protezione nel trasporto aereo di persone , Cedam, Padova, 1994, p. 53 ss., as well as L. Tullio, L’obbligazione di protezione nel trasporto marittimo ed aereo , in Dir. trasp ., 2013, p. 349 ss. 77 See F. Morandi, Vicende modificative e solutorie del contratto di viaggio , in Studi in onore di Gustavo Romanelli , Giuffrè, Milano, 1997, p. 889. 78 See F. Morandi, Alcune riflessioni sui rapporti tra contratto di viaggio e contratto di trasporto aereo , in R. Tranquilli-Leali – E. Rosafio (ed.), Il trasporto aereo tra normativa comunitaria e uniforme , Giuffrè, Milano, 2011, pp. 411 and 431.